
9月. 3, 2021


珍妮戴维森在经历了不平凡的18个月后,皇冠官网网站即将回到校园, I want to express my deep gratitude for all of you who have persevered and come together to support one another and our students. 尽管在这场大流行结束之前,皇冠官网网站还有一段路要走, I want to share with you now the budget recommendations just approved by our 校董会 this week and some strategic insights for the way ahead. I am grateful to University leaders and all the members of the Budget Recommendation Committee (BRC), 由皇冠官网网站不知疲倦的首席财务官领导, 乔治Middlemist, 感谢他们在制定这些预算建议以供皇冠官网网站批准方面所做的辛勤工作.

I believe the following allocations will not only help us weather the rest of this Covid-19 storm; they will put us on track to thrive in the years to come. 就像我在其他场合说过的, 今年是我校新冠肺炎疫情恢复年, 接下来是几年的稳定和建设.

皇冠官网网站的人: Our investments will focus first and foremost on our people - the tremendously talented and dedicated faculty and staff members who make everything we do for our students possible.

We plan to invest in employee compensation as well as our physical campus work environments, 专业培训和领导者发展, and the array of administrative systems that support our mission and make everyone’s day-to-day work easier and more enjoyable. These investments will also enhance our profile and reputation as a university and attract more students who will appreciate our dedication to diversity and academic excellence.

工资: I am pleased to announce that 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s 校董会 approved the University’s recommendation for a 3% increase in our overall base compensation pool today. 这个池包含一个1.全体教员的基本工资全面提高75%, 专业的工作人员和管理人员, 考虑到教务长的建议,剩下的分配, 分行副行长, BRC, 以及教职员工参议院来解决 基本生活费用增加、薪金公平和压缩问题 . 州立法机关已使这些调整成为可能, which increased our state funding this year as a step toward closing the resources gap between our institution and other Colorado colleges and universities. 我的上调将于10月1日生效st 并且会反映在 工资开始 10月31日st.

一次性津贴: The trustees have also approved our recommendation that 所有全职教师, 专业的工作人员和管理人员 - all of whom have faced many challenges over the previous year - receive a one-time stipend in recognition of the herculean efforts made to sustain University operations and student learning in the most challenging of circumstances. 在今年1月之前开始的路跑者将获得1美元,500, 以及那些在春季学期(1月至6月)加入皇冠官网网站的学生. 1日和4月15日)将收到700美元的感谢信. 另外, 所有全职教师, 专业的工作人员和管理人员 hired prior to July 2021 who continue through the next spring semester will receive a one-time Covid-19 retention reward of $500. T他的津贴将包括在11月份的工资中. 

额外的一次性投资将用于新的 职业发展计划, including staff training for upgraded processes and systems and leadership training to enhance our commitment to shared governance. Investments will also be made to support grant-writing and to build our research infrastructure with the aim of securing additional resources to support faculty, 教职员及学生.

这些投资补充了密歇根州立大学丹佛分校提供的许多其他员工福利. 在皇冠官网网站追求成为丹佛“最佳工作场所”的过程中,“皇冠官网网站提供高质量的医疗保健和退休选择, 为“路跑者”及其家人提供学费资助, RTD通行证, 宽裕的带薪休假, 以及皇冠官网网站不断更新的灵活和远程/混合工作政策.

皇冠官网网站的实际工作环境: 改善皇冠官网网站的整体工作体验,并加强学生的学习, 皇冠官网网站将增加一次性资金用于 教室升级 跨越150个空间. 展望未来, 皇冠官网网站将与Auraria合作伙伴合作, 立法领导人, and community stakeholders to develop a new Infrastructure Master Plan to meet the growing needs of our academic programs. This multi-year plan will build on the work of the President’s Council on the Built Environment, 由Amy Kern教授领导, and will support the objectives of the 2030 Strategic Plan to provide a healthy and attractive urban campus experience in support of our academic mission.

皇冠官网网站的行政支援系统: Often less visible but absolutely vital to our day-to-day operations is the array of administrative and technical processes and systems that require regular upkeep and upgrades. 在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校, 对许多这些关键需求的投资已被推迟太久, 让皇冠官网网站面临不服从和任务失败的风险. 今年,在立法机构的支持下,皇冠官网网站自己的1美元.600万投资, we will begin the multi-year process of overhauling our Enterprise Resource Management (ERM) systems. This upgrade will replace the Banner system with a more modern system by Workday that will streamline our Information Technology operations. 皇冠官网网站还将额外投资3美元.5500万美元用于在未来三年内实现无线和有线网络的现代化.

这些升级, 皇冠官网网站将很快宣布额外的目标投资, 将使皇冠官网网站能够增强皇冠官网网站的数据分析和决策框架系统, 皇冠官网网站的人力资源企业, 皇冠官网网站的财政援助和相关的行政程序和制度, 皇冠官网网站的筹款事业, 还有皇冠官网网站的营销和招聘计划.

学生支持: All of the above investments in people, infrastructure, and systems are in support of our No. 1 .使命:学生. Our strategic planning process clarified for us the need to invest in student-support services geared toward the diverse and hardworking students of the 21st century. Many of these students have had their lives disrupted and will be restarting their academic journeys at midstream while also working and handling family obligations. 皇冠官网网站要做的投资 一流的转校生和在职成人学校 会对皇冠官网网站学生的学术旅程和生活产生显著影响吗. 这意味着扩大和营销皇冠官网网站在线课程,提供 可堆叠的行业相关证书和研究生课程、集成 职业规划和行业伙伴关系 贯穿皇冠官网网站的学术经验和现代化建设 建议系统.

We have already kick-started many of these efforts with investments from the Federal CARES Act last summer that allowed us to transition our online support system from Blackboard to Canvas through improved technology and investments in faculty training. Another array of investments from a CARES Act Minority-Serving Institutions grant are helping us build out our 多样性、公平和包容 initiatives and other Universitywide student supports such as the Teaching Assistant program, 哪一项对学生留存率有显著影响. And a new Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative grant from the state will help us reach those working adults who have had their academic plans on pause for too long.

整体, 对皇冠官网网站的员工进行战略性投资, 皇冠官网网站的基础设施, and our administrative and student-support systems will help us recover from a challenging year and position us to thrive in the post-pandemic environment. I look forward to working with our BRC and other University leaders to finalize the budget allocations for the above investments. As so many students whose lives have been disrupted return to higher education to pursue their dreams, 皇冠官网网站会准备好.


